The Seventh Tradition Dollar isn’t what is used to be.
Here are some comparisons of prices on 1986, when “the average
basket Contribution was $1.00″, and prices today.
First, what cost $1 then would cost $2.81 today. Buying the same item in 2024 for $1 would have coste you $.35 in 1986.
Comparative Costs……1986 2024
Loaf of Bread…………. $1.25 $3.19
Gallon of Milk………….. $.93 $3.87
6-Pack of Beer……….. $2.58 $7.65
Carton of Cigarettes $12.91 $90.00
Postage Stamp…………. $.55 $.73
Lg D & D Coffee……….. $.69 $6.00
Contribution to AA Meeting $1 $1
Just something to think about. AA groups pay rent, buy coffee & supplies, books sometimes snacks and coins. Is your group able to help support you Central Office, Area 53, District and GSO
in New York? OR DO YOU EVEN CARE??11